[杜比全景声] folklore: the long pond studio sessions (from the Disney+ special) [豪华特别版]

[杜比全景声] folklore: the long pond studio sessions (from the Disney+ special) [豪华特别版]







1the 1 (Dolby Atmos)03:30
2cardigan (Dolby Atmos)03:59
3the last great american dynasty (Dolby Atmos)03:50
4exile (feat. Bon Iver) (Dolby Atmos)04:45
5my tears ricochet (Dolby Atmos)04:15
6mirrorball (Dolby Atmos)03:28
7seven (Dolby Atmos)03:28
8august (Dolby Atmos)04:21
9this is me trying (Dolby Atmos)03:15
10illicit affairs (Dolby Atmos)03:10
11invisible string (Dolby Atmos)04:12
12mad woman (Dolby Atmos)03:57
13epiphany (Dolby Atmos)04:49
14betty (Dolby Atmos)04:54
15peace (Dolby Atmos)03:54
16hoax (Dolby Atmos)03:40
17the lakes (bonus track) (Dolby Atmos)03:31
1the 1 (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:39
2cardigan (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:50
3the last great american dynasty (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:52
4exile (feat. Bon Iver) [the long pond studio sessions] (Dolby Atmos)04:39
5my tears ricochet (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)04:55
6mirrorball (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:57
7seven (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:28
8august (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)04:20
9this is me trying (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:29
10illicit affairs (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:03
11invisible string (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)04:17
12mad woman (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:58
13epiphany (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)04:34
14betty (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)04:50
15peace (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:34
16hoax (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:41
17the lakes (the long pond studio sessions) (Dolby Atmos)03:19



据上张专辑《Lover》推出仅 11 个月后,我们惊喜地迎来 Taylor Swift 未经宣发便上线的又一全长录音室专辑《folklore》。这 11 个月看似短暂,期间发生的种种,尤其是全球疫情的蔓延,却让人感慨良多,回想起来恍若隔世。Taylor 在居家隔离期间,与 The National 的吉他手 Aaron Dessner,以及 Taylor 的长期音乐伙伴 Jack Antonoff 进行合作。他们共同打造了一张与前作大相径庭的低保真卧室流行专辑,带来一场值得深思回味的沉浸式听觉体验。

《the 1》以一句“我最近过的还好 / 正在着手新鲜事(I’m doing good / I’m on some new shit)”开场,你若以为这是她在汇报居家隔离的动态,或是交代最近满溢的敏感思绪,那也无可厚非。但事实上,Swift 近期将能量全盘倾注在歌曲创作上,它们化作一篇篇短篇小说和人物速写。其中既有普鲁斯特式的意识流闪回(《cardigan》有 Lana Del Rey 的影子),也描摹为社会所背弃的寡妇形象(《the last great american dynasty》),与 Bon Iver 合作的深沉二重唱《exile》则描绘了一段注定走向毁灭的爱情。这张专辑肌理丰富,充满想象。她在《seven》中唱道:“你长长的辫子像一枚神秘的图案 / 对你的爱直至月球和土星亦不分离(Your braids like a pattern/Love you to the moon and to Saturn)。”这是在讲述一则两位朋友策划一场逃亡的童话:“爱会像民谣被传唱下去一般 / 生生不息(Passed down like folk songs / the love lasts so long)。”这位优秀的唱作人,即便时刻生活在公众视线下,亦能挖掘出如此丰富的生活素材,这只能说明,Taylor Swift 的确在隔离期间找到了属于自己的灵感。此次发布的《long pond studio sessions》豪华限定版包含《folklore》整张专辑每首歌曲的现场版本,Aaron Dessner、Jack Antonoff、Bon Iver 主唱 Justin Vernon 共同参与表演。